

“If every door were immediately opened, the degree of hope, patience, and desire would not be understood.”

– Mevlana

These three emotions that Mevlana mentions are so important… Let’s start with hope because, in my opinion, hope is not just a feeling, it is a motivational system. Hope is the belief that there are paths for individuals with goals and the motivation to find those paths (Snyder, Rand, and Sigmon).

When we demonstrate patience, we think, “I have all the time I need.” At that moment, our brain starts visualizing that we have achieved what we need within our time frame because for our brain, thinking and doing are the same. You may have heard this: brain regions that become active when completing a motor skill also become active when mentally rehearsing the same task.

Now let’s talk about desire. Desire allows us to listen to our inner voice and focus our energy.

As you can see, this is a very powerful trio; hope, patience, and desire. If we have hope of reaching our goal and believe it will happen at the right time, and if we are also willing, then even challenging conditions cannot deter us, and our resilience is high.

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